Fat mermaid
Fat mermaid
Fat mermaid


Fat mermaid

“A mermaid is a mythical creature in the shape of a fish and a woman. Some would say caught between two worlds. I don’t know about that… I would say she has the privilege to access two worlds. A creature who has no fears of depths but a great fear of shallow living. Generous and friendly to others and wishes to be treated with respect.

‘The Fat Mermaid’ symbolises a woman who became bold, bright and full of knowledge by finding her own way through the world. A world citizen who isn’t afraid to be a bit different than the standard requires.”

Fat mermaid

“A mermaid is a mythical creature in the shape of a fish and a woman. Some would say caught between two worlds. I don’t know about that… I would say she has the privilege to access two worlds. A creature who has no fears of depths but a great fear of shallow living. Generous and friendly to others and wishes to be treated with respect.

‘The Fat Mermaid’ symbolises a woman who became bold, bright and full of knowledge by finding her own way through the world. A world citizen who isn’t afraid to be a bit different than the standard requires.”

Fat mermaid

Who am I? I am young, passionate, diligent, creative, positive and work hard.


My style? I live a little different from the standard, so I like my work to reflect that. I work remotely and get inspired by familiar strangers every day, listen to what you want and create a unique fusion.

What if I have never done it before? I always try… I learn fast and get excited about new opportunities. My perfect job? A variety of new and familiar jobs combined in one would be perfect for me.

I love writing, organising or reorganising (yes, I am a nerd like that) and creating. Think of me as your second pair of hands that make your life around the office a hella lot easier.

Fat mermaid
Fat mermaid

My style? I live a little different from the standard, so I like my work to reflect that. I work remotely and get inspired by familiar strangers every day, listen to what you want and create a unique fusion.

What if I have never done it before? I always try… I learn fast and get excited about new opportunities. My perfect job? A variety of new and familiar jobs combined in one would be perfect for me.

I love writing, organising or reorganising (yes, I am a nerd like that) and creating. Think of me as your second pair of hands that make your life around the office a hella lot easier.

Click on the accordion button to continue reading.

Fat mermaid
Fat mermaid

The world through the eyes of a mermaid, sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Go through my stories and find out who I am and what keeps me off the rocks (street). 

Fat mermaid
+31 6 41 88 66 04
Fat mermaid
+31 6 41 88 66 04

The world through the eyes of a mermaid, sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Go through my stories and find out who I am and what keeps me off the rocks (street). 

Fat mermaid


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